A 12-week online programme to discover how to prepare your body, mind and spirit so you’re ready for and can harness the powerful transformation that is menopause, and can sail through it with ease, armed with trusted tools and techniques that enable you to roll with the challenges it can throw


-Looking for a truly unique and holistic way of managing and preparing for the menopause

-Seeking guidance that is grounded in science and you’re also open minded and curious

-Worried about having a terrible time because your family/friend has and want to make sure you can tell a different story
-Understanding on some level that peri-menopause and menopause is more than an imbalance to be treated, and you want to know what it is

-Pretty sure that you’re in peri-menopause but you don’t have a clue what to do


Know that preparing the ground for menopause and knowing how to look after yourself in advance is SO worth it

Are open to the idea that menopause can be a powerful transformation having the potential to leave you feeling better than ever afterwards

Are also open to going inwards and exploring your spiritual side

IMAGINE how it would feel to:

🔥 Receive balanced guidance about what makes symptoms better or worse, without feeling deprived and nun-like

🔥 Find out how your body is likely to change and how to stay energised and strong for as long as possible

🔥 Get your hands on recipes, inspiration, and practical secrets of how to eat, drink, move and live well in a way that works for you and you enjoy, and which are effected because they’re evidence based and have also been tried and tested in clinic

🔥 Learn safe, reliable info about all the pros and cons of HRT, any tests to be aware of and supplements to consider

🔥 Have a heads up about what emotional shifts can happen during peri-menopause and how to navigate them so that you can remain sane with your feet firmly on the ground

🔥 Find some much-needed hope about what life might be like afterwards



A 12-week online programme to discover how to prepare your body, mind and spirit so you’re ready for and can harness the powerful transformation that is menopause, and can sail through it with ease, armed with trusted tools and techniques that enable you to roll with the challenges it can throw


👉 You understand how your cycle is likely to change and the kinds of events and symptoms you might experience in the lead up to and during menopause, and how to manage your habits to minimise their impact

👉🏻 You’ve got a handle on what foods to focus on, how to eat and how to look after your body, to provide the best foundation to your physical health and why this ensures a much more stable and smooth ride through menopause

👉🏼 You understand why looking after your nervous system is the absolute number one priority during this phase, and how to do this in a way you enjoy and that fits in your busy life

👉🏽 Finally, you have a grip on whether or not HRT might suit you, and if so what kind you should consider, and what natural alternatives are available if you wish not to use HRT, or it is not an option for you.

👉🏾 You’re aware of how to look after your body to reduce the risk of oestrogen-related cancers which can increase around this time as well as your general long-term health

👉🏿 You understand how to eat and exercise to keep you feeling strong, fit and as lean as possible and feel confident because these are all evidence-based and tried and tested in clinic

👉🏽 You know why sleep can be an issue during menopause and how to get the best sleep you possibly can

👉🏾 You have a heads up about the little-discussed emotional shifts and waves and how to ride them so you can feel your feet firmly on the ground throughout

👉🏼 You understand what aspects, other than the physical, are going to be at play during menopause and the lead up to it - the deeper, spiritual changes, and how to harness them

—All this is exactly what you’ll be learning and finding out during this 12-week course—


WHEN - The live calls will be at 7.30pm on Wednesday evenings.

HOW - There will be a mixture of weekly calls via zoom, all recorded, and some lives held in the private Facebook community.

PRICE - The price is £497, which is a STEAL for what you’re getting. Payment plans are available if this makes paying more doable. Although for a limited time you can grab the early bird for £333, which is a big discount. Look out for the announcements.

If you pay in full you qualify for a bonus (you and I will discuss this to make it more personalised)!

SAFETY - before we start I will send you a short questionnaire so that I can take some essential information about your health, any diagnoses and medications. As well as making sure that I am practicing safely, this will also help me tailor the information so the programme is suited to you on a deeper level.

BREAK - there will be a week in the middle where there won’t be any calls delivering new information, or guests, so that everyone can catch up and take a much-needed breather. We will, however, have a live call where you can bring any additional questions and thoughts and trouble shooting.


It’s not just you and me, I have some brilliant guests coming to share their gifts and expertise. These are being finalised but the following guests are confirmed:

🔥 Holistic medical doctor, Liz Leek sharing the inside information on the pros, cons and safe ways to use HRT

🔥 Fear coach Brittany Wittig sharing her expertise on how to safely navigate and use the transformative power of anger, fear and grief

🔥 Chef, culinary teacher, nutritionist and intimate health specialist, Kate Waters, will be explaining how vaginal health shifts during perimenopause and how to protect against infections and imbalances


🧑🏻‍🍳 Recipes and inspiration

📖 Rooted e-book full of supportive information to complement the course

🌕 Group card pulls and moon circles

👭 Private, confidential community space (Facebook/other) for the group to share, hear each other’s stories, give and receive support. Being part of the community hub, we’ll celebrate your wins, troubleshoot your challenges, and provide accountability and support - you won’t get that when you do this alone.

For more personalised support you can upgrade to the VIP experience

One 90-minute consultation and one catch up with bespoke recommendations including supplements (with 15% discount), test interpretation or suggestions, and liaising with medical health professionals.

This would be ideal if you’re struggling with an ongoing health issue £300

If this is what you would like, select this option when you sign up


Week 1 - Some essential basics and the spiritual alchemy of perimenopause.

Week 2 - Dietary fundamentals and the secrets of managing your cravings, weight, and how to eat for energy.

Week 3 - Stress, the nervous system, and why I’ll be banging on about this

Week 4 - Rooted circle

Week 5 - How to eat, and live, to look after your digestion

Week 6 - Questions, thoughts, trouble-shooting

Weeks 7 - How to sleep when all around you is chaos

Week 8 - Testing, HRT, supplements, long-term considerations

Week 9 - The importance of supporting detox and your environment

Week 10 - Rooted circle

Week 11 - Putting it together to harness your intuition, wisdom and purpose

Week 12 - Closing questions, reflections, and final chats


In truth this programme may not be for everyone and I would like to help you work out if it’s right or not for you before you commit. If in doubt, send me a message and we can chat about it, because I want you to make the right choice for you.

This programme is FOR

Anyone who is curious and open minded, likes to learn, who wants to understand things on a deeper and is motivated to make some simple changes

This programme is NOT for

Anyone who is currently receiving active treatment for cancer, including breast cancer

Anyone who has an active or recent eating disorder

Anyone seeking a quick fix

Contact Bean

Contact Bean

.If you have any questions or queries, just let me know here

*Please be aware that often my replies to your emails go straight to your junk box. Very annoying, so please check your junk if you don’t see a reply from me after a day or two*